We parents are constantly warned to protect our children from the sun so they can enjoy being outside without damaging their skin. But what if ‘sun protection’ is actually causing more harm than good? Many of us have been convinced that the sun is dangerous for our children’s delicate skin and the only safe way…
Natural Solutions For Your ADHD Child
Article written by Stella Chadwick for the Autism Eye Magazine for the Autumn 2021 edition Over the past two decades, more than 10,000 papers have been published on ADHD and the conclusion is that there is no single cause for this condition. When supporting a child or adult with ADHD it is imperative to consider…
Top tips for a tip-top immune system
Now more than ever it is important to know how to take care of our kids’ immune systems as they head back to school and start mixing with other people. In this newsletter, I hope to inspire you to make some positive lifestyle changes and top tips on the types of food and supplements which…
Food and Mood
Article written by Stella Chadwick for the Spring 2021 issue of the Autism Eye Magazine Can certain fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices cause negative behavioural issues for our children? Many of us know, or have figured out through personal experience, that food colouring, additives and flavourings can impact our children’s behaviour and mood. But…
Impact of Oxalates On Symptoms of Autism PANDAS and PANS
Article on Oxalates Autism Eye Feb 2020 – written by Stella Chadwick The first time I became aware of the connection between oxalates and autism symptoms was many years ago when I was working with a young 9-year-old old boy with an autism diagnosis who had, what seemed like a habit of poking himself in…
Tamari & Ginger Paleo Noodles & Salmon Parcel
This is the ultimate home-made fast-food which takes minutes to put together and only 12 minutes to cook. Spiralizing vegetables might not be a new thing but it is definitely one of the easiest and tastiest ways to get veggies into kids. Making parcels is simple and is a really fun way of serving food…
Supplements Alleviate Symptoms of ASD
Published Online (date) October 04, 2019 doi: 10.1542/peds.2018-3218 Researchers at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, have reviewed 27 papers involving 1028 children with ASD taking supplements and fatty acids and found that in general the following are some key improvements found in those children taking supplements vs those that didn’t: Improved language Improved social skills Reduced repetitive…
OCD is treatable
Written by Stella Chadwick for the Autism Eye Magazine. Issue 35, Autumn 2019. It was the spring of 2006, and my son and I had travelled to visit my parents for the weekend, leaving my daughter and my husband together back home. Only a day after arriving at our destination I received a call from…
Your Evidence Based Guide to Seaweed a Superfood for the Gut
By Stella Chadwick BSc (hons) mBANT, CNHC THE BIG PICTURE The first human trials using seaweed by Dr. Pia Winberg, from the University of Wollongong in Australia, has shown that after just a few weeks of using seaweed fibre supplements, as many as 15 completely new groups of good bacteria were discovered in the colon of…
By Stella Chadwick BSc (hons) mBANT, CNHC Has Your Child Ever Regressed After a Surgical Procedure? Many families report that their child with autism or other autoimmune conditions such as PANS or PANDAS suffered a definite shift in behaviour and mood as well as a decline in cognitive skills following a surgical procedure. It is thought…