The missing piece in your candida protocol
Candida overgrowth is one of the most common problems we see in the children we work with. Many parents come to us frustrated because they have tried ‘everything’ and yet their child still has issues with this pesky yeast.
Calm their nervous system – first and foremost
All children can get stressed and have the occasional meltdown but research has proven that children with ASD, PANDAS or PANS have poorer recovery from stress and the stress hormone cortisol can stay in their system much longer.
Sunlight is essential for health
As summer approaches, we parents usually worry about the best way to protect our children from the sun so they can enjoy being outside without damaging their skin.
Meet our Practitioners
When I started Brainstorm Health I was determined to help children who I felt were being ‘left behind’ by the medical community. Soon, my practice was thriving, which was wonderful as I was able to work full time on something I truly believed in.
Speech Delay – how diet and supplements can help
Wanting to hear the sound of your child’s first words is an intense need for a parent and any delays in this milestone can cause a lot of anxiety for parents and frustration for the child.
Removing Dairy – A Case Study
This week’s newsletter is inspired by a remarkable testimonial we received last week from a mother who says coming off dairy was key to regaining the health of her lovely boy.
Autism Awareness Month
Since April is Autism Awareness month, I thought I’d share my personal story about how I learned about autism, and why I decided to dedicate my career helping others with this condition.
Have you noticed that your child’s symptoms get worse around springtime?
I love the recent beautiful weather and feel really excited to see the clear signs of Spring in the air. But I always brace myself this time of year as I know we will be seeing a lot of children whose symptoms flare this time of year.
The number one thing parents are most grateful for when it’s improved?
All parents want their children to be happy and healthy, and we work tirelessly here at Brainstorm Health to help people achieve that goal. When children aren’t healthy, they suffer in all areas, but the area that causes the most ‘collateral damage’ for parents is sleep.
Reversing Sensory Processing Disorder
Below is a quick overview of SPD and what we can do to help reduce symptoms. For the full article with more information, please read our blog. Sensory processing disorder (SPD) affects how your brain processes stimuli e.g. things you see, hear, smell, taste, or touch.
Can certain foods really cause anxiety issues?
I think you already know the answer is ‘yes’ and the reason you’re reading this is to find out exactly which foods may be responsible for driving anxiety symptoms in your child.
Taste and smell issues with Covid and Autism
Could this lingering Covid symptom be what causes your child’s picky eating? Losing your smell and taste is a symptom that is particular to Covid and can be very distressing to people who experience it.
Common gut symptoms to look for in ASD
I hope you had a chance to relax and enjoy the holidays and that 2022 brings more health and joy for you and your family. To start the new year, I thought it was important to go back to the basics: gut health.
‘Tis the season for sabotage?
As you know, the holidays bring an onslaught of less-than-healthy foods which can be difficult to keep out of your child’s diet. When a well-meaning friend or family member pushes ‘treats’ on your child, the results can be frustrating to say the least.
Can food cause brain damage? Unfortunately yes.
All foods have an effect on our body and unfortunately a lot of ‘food products’ sold today have no nutritional value and are full of toxic compounds that literally cause damage to the cells in our brains.