Extreme Peaky Eating or Eosinophilic Oesophagitis?
Extremely picky eating is a challenge facing many parents, and even more commonly, parents of children on the autism spectrum, PANS and PANDAS.
ADHD, severe eczema and sleep dysregulation
Meet sweet 8-year-old Emma, a young girl who has been on a transformative health journey with Brainstorm Health.
Your Christmas holiday survival guide
As we approach the festive season, with its unique blend of chaos and joy, we understand the particular challenges for parents of children with additional needs.
Navigating MCAS in Autism PANS and PANDAS
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is a complex puzzle, characterised by an array of challenging symptoms triggered by various dietary and environmental factors.
Case Study: Extreme behavioural dysregulation and night terrors
Your dose of inspiration this week comes courtesy of the gorgeous five-year-old Elena. Working with Coriander, Elena’s family have managed to completely banish her night terrors
Unlocking the Power of Diet
What we eat lies at the very heart of good health and well-being. Getting the diet right can be the single most transformative factor in the journey to improved health
Case study: PANS, mould toxicity and gluten intolerance
I have a real treat to share with you this week – the heart-warming and truly inspirational story of nine-year-old Dana, a young girl with a PANS diagnosis
The Top 10 Power Breakfasts Fuelled by Animal-Based Nutrition
As we transition into the autumn season, let’s regroup and dive into a topic close to our hearts – the nutritional powerhouse behind our kids’ lives.
Thinking Autism’s 2023 International Conference
I am thrilled to extend a warm and heartfelt invitation to all of you – our amazing community of extraordinary parents and children.
A holistic approach to improving speech and emotional regulation
Meet Charlie! A remarkable little boy who has undergone a life-changing transformation over the past year.
Could it be KPU?
This week, I shine the spotlight on Kryptopyrroluria (KPU) – a frequently overlooked, yet remarkably common metabolic disorder that leads to depletions of essential nutrients
Your Summer Holiday Survival Guide
Get ready for the summer holidays! As the much-awaited break approaches, some parents might feel a mix of excitement and trepidation.
Case Study: Unleashing Focus and Engagement with a Nutrient-Dense Diet
At age four-and-a-half, Samuel could not focus and was anxious about many everyday activities. He has made phenomenal progress.
Case Study – Lyme disease misdiagnosed as autism
Izzy came to us seeking support, grappling with a late-onset autism diagnosis, severe anxiety, and a host of complex physical symptoms that emerged when she was just 10 years old.
Tick season: top tips to cut the risk of bites and infections
Summer is almost upon us, and the warmer, longer days. But the arrival of summer also marks the start of the tick season.