Choosing the Purest Salt for Your Family’s Health

As parents, especially those of us navigating the complexities of raising children with complex health needs with food and chemical sensitivities, we know that even the smallest choices can have a big impact on our kids’ health. We carefully read labels, choose organic when we can, and try to avoid unnecessary chemicals. But what about something as simple as the salt we use in our cooking?

Salt is an essential part of our diet, but it’s more than just a seasoning. It plays a critical role in fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. Yet, not all salts are created equal, and unfortunately, not all are as pure as we might hope. Recent studies have shown that many commercially available salts are contaminated with microplastics and other pollutants. For families like ours, who are particularly mindful of what goes into our children’s bodies, choosing the right salt is more important than ever.

Why Salt Purity Matters

Microplastics, those tiny particles of plastic that have found their way into our oceans, are now showing up in the salts we use at our tables. These microplastics can carry harmful chemicals, including persistent organic pollutants, that we’d rather not have in our homes, especially around our children who might already be dealing with sensitive immune systems. Additionally, some salts, particularly those sourced from polluted waters or certain mining areas, can contain trace amounts of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury, which pose their own health risks.

But don’t worry—I’ve done some digging, and there are better options out there. Let’s talk about two of the purest salts available that you can feel good about using: Grey Celtic Sea Salt, Redmond Real Salt, and Cornish Sea Salt.


The Best Choices for Your Family

Grey Celtic Sea Salt (France)

This salt is harvested from the clean waters off the coast of France, using traditional methods that involve minimal processing. What does that mean for us? It means that Grey Celtic Sea Salt retains its natural mineral content while avoiding the heavy processing that can introduce contaminants. Studies have shown that this salt has low levels of microplastics and heavy metals, making it one of the best options if you’re concerned about purity.

Purity and Mineral Content

Grey Celtic Sea Salt is carefully extracted from the sea using traditional techniques that have been passed down through generations. This minimal processing ensures that the salt retains its natural minerals, such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which are essential for various bodily functions, including brain health and nerve function. Importantly, studies have shown that this salt contains low levels of microplastics and heavy metals, making it one of the best choices for those concerned about avoiding contaminants.

Alkalising Effect on Mood Stability

One of the unique health benefits of Grey Celtic Sea Salt is its natural alkalising effect. Unlike heavily processed salts that can contribute to acidity in the body, Grey Celtic Sea Salt helps to balance the body’s pH levels. Maintaining an alkaline environment is associated with improved mood stability, which can be especially beneficial for children who are sensitive to dietary changes or environmental stressors. This balance supports a more stable mood, potentially reducing irritability and promoting a sense of calm.

Moisture-Retaining Properties

Grey Celtic Sea Salt is also notable for retaining its natural moisture content, a characteristic that helps to preserve its rich mineral composition. This moisture retention is a key factor in maintaining the salt’s effectiveness in delivering essential minerals that support hydration and overall health. The slight moisture in the salt also reflects its minimal processing, ensuring that the beneficial minerals are more bioavailable—meaning the body can absorb and use these nutrients more effectively. This feature contributes to the overall nutritional value of the salt, making it a healthful addition to your family’s diet.


Redmond Real Salt (USA)

Redmond Real Salt is a natural, unrefined salt sourced from ancient sea beds in Utah. This salt, formed millions of years ago, is mined from a prehistoric environment that has remained untouched by modern pollution. As a result, Redmond Real Salt is one of the purest salts available today, offering a range of health benefits, particularly for families concerned about exposure to environmental toxins.

Prehistoric Purity

One of the most significant advantages of Redmond Real Salt is its origin. Sourced from ancient sea beds, this salt is completely free from the contaminants that have affected many modern sea salts. Unlike salts harvested from today’s oceans, which are increasingly polluted with microplastics and heavy metals, Redmond Real Salt is mined from a protected environment, ensuring it has very low levels of these harmful substances. This makes it a particularly suitable choice for families looking to minimise exposure to environmental toxins that could negatively impact brain health and overall well-being.

Trace Mineral Richness

Redmond Real Salt is not just pure; it’s also packed with over 60 trace minerals that are essential for health. These minerals include naturally occurring iodine, which is critical for brain development and cognitive function in children. Iodine supports the production of thyroid hormones, which play a crucial role in brain development, metabolism, and growth. The unique mineral composition of Redmond Real Salt ensures that your family receives a broad spectrum of nutrients that support overall health, making it a valuable addition to your diet.


Cornish Sea Salt (UK)

Cornish Sea Salt, a local favourite in the UK, is harvested from the pristine waters off the coast of Cornwall. Known for its purity and natural mineral content, this salt is hand-harvested using sustainable methods, ensuring it retains its essential nutrients while being free from many of the contaminants that affect other sea salts.

Locally Sourced and Sustainably Harvested

One of the standout features of Cornish Sea Salt is its origin. The waters around Cornwall are known for their cleanliness, and the salt is harvested from these pristine coastal areas. The harvesting process is meticulous, involving hand collection that respects the environment, ensuring that the natural balance of minerals is maintained. This sustainable approach not only preserves the local ecosystem but also guarantees that the salt is as pure as possible, with low levels of microplastics and heavy metals. This makes Cornish Sea Salt a reliable choice for families who are concerned about contaminants in their food.

Purity and Regular Testing

Cornish Sea Salt is regularly tested for purity, which is a significant advantage for families seeking to avoid the potential health risks associated with modern pollutants. Unlike many commercially available salts, which can contain traces of microplastics and other harmful substances, Cornish Sea Salt is consistently shown to have low levels of these contaminants. This rigorous testing ensures that it remains a safe and healthful option for all ages, particularly for children who are more vulnerable to environmental toxins.

What About Other Salts?

While the salts mentioned above are my top recommendations, you might still be curious about other common salts, such as Himalayan Pink Salt or Maldon Sea Salt. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Himalayan Pink Salt (Pakistan): Although it’s often marketed as a healthier alternative, Himalayan Pink Salt can contain moderate levels of heavy metals and microplastics, making it less ideal for those focused on purity​.
  • Maldon Sea Salt (UK): Known for its unique pyramid-shaped crystals, Maldon Sea Salt is harvested from the Blackwater Estuary in Essex. While it’s a high-quality product, it does contain some microplastics, though generally at lower levels compared to other sea salts​.
  • Table Salt (Various): Table salt is highly processed and often contains additives like anti-caking agents. The level of contaminants varies depending on the source and processing, making it less reliable for those needing the purest options​.




A Closer Look: Salt Contamination Comparison

To help you make an informed decision, here’s a detailed comparison of the salts discussed:

Salt Type Source Microplastic Contamination Heavy Metals Other Contaminants Processing Health Considerations
Grey Celtic Sea Salt (France) Coastal France Low Low Minimal Minimal processing, hand-harvested Rich in minerals; good for avoiding contaminants.
Redmond Real Salt (USA) Ancient sea beds, Utah Low Very Low Minimal Unrefined, mined Free from modern pollutants; high mineral content.
Cornish Sea Salt (UK) Coastal Cornwall Low Low Minimal Hand-harvested, tested regularly Low in contaminants; maintains natural minerals.
Maldon Sea Salt (UK) Blackwater Estuary, Essex Low to Moderate Low to Moderate Minimal Hand-harvested, tested for purity Low in contaminants, but some exposure to marine pollution.
Himalayan Pink Salt (Pakistan) Khewra Salt Mine, Pakistan Moderate Moderate Potential for heavy metals Mined, minimally processed Contains trace minerals; moderate contamination levels.
Table Salt (Various) Various (Global) Varies (Low to Moderate) Varies Additives like anti-caking agents Highly processed, refined Commonly contains additives; purity varies by source.

Making the Best Choice for Your Family

Choosing the right salt might seem like a small decision, but it’s one of those everyday choices that can make a significant difference in your family’s health. By opting for Grey Celtic Sea Salt, Redmond Real Salt, or Cornish Sea Salt, you’re ensuring that your family’s meals are as free from contaminants as possible.

Remember, you’re doing a great job caring for your family. By choosing higher-quality ingredients, you’re taking another important step in supporting your child’s health and well-being. Trust your instincts—they’ve guided you this far, and they’ll continue to help you make the best choices for your loved ones.



  1. Chromatography Online, “Analysing microplastics in salt samples,” September 2023.
    • This article provides an in-depth analysis of microplastic contamination in various salt samples using advanced detection methods. It highlights contamination levels in different salts, particularly those sourced from European and American regions.
  2. GoH, “How To Get Rid of Dangerous Microplastics in Salt, Water, Cosmetics – and You!”
    • This source discusses the prevalence of microplastics in various food products, including salt. It also examines the potential health impacts of these contaminants, making it a relevant reference for families concerned about purity.
  3. Greenpeace International, “Over 90% of sampled salt brands globally found to contain microplastics.”
    • This Greenpeace report highlights the widespread issue of microplastic contamination in commercial salts. The study focuses on regions with significant pollution, like parts of Asia, and discusses how these pollutants end up in our food.
  4. Mary’s Nest, “The Best Salts with the Least Amount of Microplastics,” 2023.
    • This article lists various salts and their contamination levels, highlighting those with the least microplastics. It includes information about popular salts like Maldon and Cornish Sea Salt.