Do Fish Oils Make Your Child’s Symptoms Worse?

I want to share a personal story that might resonate with many of you. My daughter developed PANDAS symptoms after contracting scarlet fever, and our journey to help her has been both challenging and enlightening. Like many of you, we turned to both medical and natural solutions to help our child and to control inflammation one of the things we tried was fish oil supplements. What we found was the opposite of what we were looking for and her symptoms increased significantly. Since starting Brainstorm Health over 10 years ago I have seen the same things happen with many children and it took a bit of digging to find out why.

The Hidden Complexity of Fish Oil

In functional medicine, fish oil is a common recommendation for managing inflammation due to its well-researched benefits. The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in fish oil convert into specialised pro-resolving lipid mediators (SPMs), which are crucial for resolving inflammation. Think of SPMs as the peacekeepers of the body, helping to calm down inflammation and promote healing.

However, there’s a twist that’s particularly important for some children on the autism spectrum as well as those with, ADHD, PANDAS, and PANS.

The Inflammation Puzzle: NFkB and the NLRP3 Inflammasome

What I discovered through our journey is that inflammation in the body works a bit like a complex security system. Let me break it down for you:

NFkB: The Alarm System: Imagine NFkB as the alarm system in a building. When this alarm system detects something unusual, it activates and sends signals to other parts of the security team. NFkB activates another key player, the NLRP3 protein, which is like calling in the special response team.

NLRP3: The Special Response Team: Once activated, the NLRP3 protein acts like the leader of the special response team. This leader gathers its team to form the NLRP3 inflammasome, a specialised unit that releases defensive measures throughout the building.

Inflammatory Molecules: The Defence Measures: The NLRP3 inflammasome then releases inflammatory molecules, much like deploying tear gas or barriers to contain a threat. These molecules spread through the body, signalling it to respond aggressively to what it perceives as threats. However, these defensive measures can also block other important maintenance activities, like autophagy and mitophagy, which are the body’s way of cleaning up and repairing cells—similar to how routine maintenance staff would clean and repair the building.

Here’s the catch: this NLRP3 inflammasome can actually block the formation of those beneficial SPMs (Specialised Pro-resolving Mediators) from EPA and DHA. Think of SPMs as the peacekeeping team that comes in to resolve the situation and restore order after an alarm. In children with significant inflammation, like my daughter, the body struggles to produce these peacekeepers. It’s as if the alarm system is stuck in alert mode, continuously deploying the response team without ever allowing the peacekeepers to step in and calm things down. This keeps the body in a constant state of high alert, perpetuating inflammation and preventing effective resolution.

By understanding this intricate process, we can see why managing inflammation in autism, PANDAS, and PANS is so complex. It requires a targeted approach to help reset the security system and allow the body’s natural peacekeepers to do their job effectively.

The Role of Histamine in Inflammation

Another layer of complexity comes from histamine. Histamine is a natural chemical in the body that plays many roles, from helping with digestion to regulating sleep. However, in some children, histamine can become a troublemaker. High levels of histamine can lead to various symptoms such as headaches, difficulty sleeping, aggression, anxiety, panic attacks, and digestive issues like nausea and abdominal cramps.

For the children we tend to work with in our practice, histamine can exacerbate their symptoms significantly. Some kids react negatively to the histamine content in fish oils, which might also explain why my daughter’s condition worsened initially.

Understanding Histamine Intolerance

Histamine intolerance occurs when the body cannot break down histamine properly, leading to its accumulation. Factors contributing to histamine intolerance include genetics, gut health, stress, and infections

In our case, it was essential to address histamine intolerance alongside inflammation. For more detailed insights on histamine intolerance and how it impacts children on the autism spectrum, you can read my article High Histamine – Low Health.

A New Approach: SPM-Enriched Fish Oil

If your child struggles with both histamine sensitivity and high levels of chronic inflammation, we’ve found that SPM supplements are a much better option than traditional fish oils. Here’s why:

  1. Low Histamine: SPM supplements are low in histamine, making them suitable for children with histamine issues.
  2. Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Effect: SPMs provide significant relief from inflammation, helping your child feel better and more balanced.

Our favourite SPM product that has made a difference for many families is SPM Supreme By Designs for Health. As a thank you for being part of our community use the code Brainstorm10 to get 10% off your order. Always check with your medical doctor or qualified practitioner to ensure that this product is suitable for your child.

Our Comprehensive Toolkit for Inflammation and Histamine Management

In our practice, we regularly use a variety of anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and mast cell stabilising supplements, herbs, and Microimmunotherapy formulations. Some of our go-to options include PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide), low oxalate curcumin for its powerful anti-inflammatory effects, and specific magnesium preparations that cross the blood-brain barrier. We also use anti-inflammatory complexes such as Cyflacalm by Beyond Balance, which contains a blend of beneficial herbs, and Neuro-Flam by Apex Energetics.

For managing histamine and stabilising mast cells, we find HistaQuel particularly effective. It was recently featured in our newsletter for its ability to manage histamine intolerance and provide relief from allergic-like symptoms common in children with autism, PANDAS, and PANS. You can use the code Brainstorm10 to get 10% of your order. Always check with your medical doctor or qualified practitioner to ensure that this product is suitable for your child.

Moving Forward: A Comprehensive Strategy

It’s important to remember that addressing inflammation isn’t just about using supplements, herbs, and Microimmunotherapy. Our approach focuses on identifying and tackling the root causes of inflammation. This comprehensive strategy includes:

  • Rebuilding the Microbiome and Healing the Gut: A healthy gut is crucial for overall health. We work on restoring balance in the gut microbiome and repairing the gut lining to reduce inflammation and improve nutrient absorption.
  • Replenishing Micronutrients: Ensuring your child has all the essential vitamins and minerals they need to support their immune system and overall health.
  • Eliminating Infections: Identifying and getting rid of any underlying infections that may be driving chronic inflammation.
  • Dietary Adjustments: Tailoring your child’s diet to reduce inflammatory foods and include more anti-inflammatory options.
  • Lifestyle Changes: Incorporating stress management, adequate sleep, and regular physical activity to support overall well-being.


Conclusion: Hope for Our Children

Navigating the complexities of chronic inflammation in children on the autism spectrum, PANDAS, and PANS can be challenging. My personal journey with my daughter has shown me firsthand how intricate and multifaceted this issue can be. Through trial and error, and years of dedicated research and practice, we have developed a comprehensive approach that goes beyond simple supplementation.

Understanding the root causes of inflammation and addressing them holistically is crucial. This involves not just using supplements, herbs, and Microimmunotherapy but also focusing on rebuilding the microbiome, healing the gut, replenishing essential micronutrients, eliminating infections, making dietary adjustments, and incorporating beneficial lifestyle changes. By taking this comprehensive approach, we aim to create a solid foundation for long-term health and well-being.



The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is crucial to consult with medical doctors or qualified functional medicine practitioners to address specific health concerns and obtain personalised guidance tailored to individual needs. Never add any supplements to your plan until it has been assessed and approved by your medical doctor or suitable qualified practitioner who is familiar with your health history. 


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