This is a delicious sweet treat that feeds the brain and supports the immune system, helping keep blood sugar levels nice and steady. It’s loaded with healthy fats making this treat highly anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. Perfect for lunch boxes and requires absolutely no cooking – a mere assembly job.
The fat in CASHEWS is almost entirely made of oleic acid (found in olive oil) with strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. DATES are a wonderful source of fibre and are loaded with Iron and B vitamins to support the nervous system as well as vitamins A and K to protect the eyes and maintain healthy mucus membranes, protecting the gut lining. RAW COCONUT and COCONUT OIL have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and contain medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) that are easily digested and readily cross cell membranes. MCFAs are immediately converted by your liver into energy rather than being stored as fat. HEMP SEEDS are loaded with anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids, and are a wonderful source of fibre to protect the colon. HEMP SEEDS are the perfect protein – containing all 20 amino acids, including each of the 9 essential amino acids that our bodies cannot produce. Good quality organic dark CHOCOLATE, not only tastes divine, but cacao is full of antioxidants and has been shown to help boost serotonin levels (our feel good neurotransmitter) which in turn makes melatonin our sleep hormone. Finally RAW HONEY is packed full of anti-oxidants to protect cells from damage and is highly anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory.